Winnipeg Touch Football League Constitution

  1. Name
    The official name of the organization shall be the Winnipeg Touch Football League, hereafter called the League.
  2. Objective
    The objective of the League shall be to administrate, develop and promote touch football in and around the City of Winnipeg.
    1. Mission Statement
      The Winnipeg Touch Football League (WTFL) mission statement is to provide the best game time experience for touch football players in Winnipeg.
    2. Values
      1. Games should be played on safe, good quality fields.
      2. Games should be scheduled as best as possible to enjoy Winnipeg summers.
      3. Games should be officiated by a full-compliment of qualified referees.
      4. Referees should be provided a safe and effective officiating environment.
      5. Divisions shall be aligned to promote balanced competition with a focus on developing a higher level of play.
  3. Membership
    1. Membership in the League is open to any individual who is on the roster of a team that is in good standing with the League.
    2. Membership in the League is also open to individuals who are not on the roster of any team, but are involved in the League as an a official or volunteer.
  4. Voting Privileges
    1. All Board of Directors Members in good standing with the League are entitled to vote at the Board of Directors Meetings.
      1. A maximum of three (3) members per team are allowed on the Board of Directors.
    2. Each team that is eligible and in good standing with the League is entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings only.
      1. Teams may vote by proxy, provided that written confirmation of this decision is present at the applicable meeting. This will include verifiable email.
  5. Governing Power
    1. The League shall be governed by a Board of Directors, in compliance with the League's Constitution and Bylaws.
    2. The Board of Directors shall be elected by all eligible voting members, present or by proxy, at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
    3. The Board of Directors shall elect from its members an Executive Committee consisting of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Marketing and Promotions Coordinator, a League Communications Coordinator, a Women's Division Liaison and an Officials' Coordinator.
    4. The powers and authority of the League shall be vested in the Board, which shall have exclusive authority to oversee the operations of the League through the formulation of policy and the setting of budgets.
    5. The Executive Committee, or President and one (1) other executive member, may, in accordance with any policy formulated or passed by the Board, carry on the day-to-day business of the League and has full authority to take all actions to spend money and make all decisions on behalf of the League, in a responsible and timely manner, with the exception of:
      1. The formulation of policy;
      2. An expenditure which would exceed ten percent (10%) of that which is budgeted and;
      3. An expenditure not anticipated in the budget which would exceed two hundred dollars ($200).
    6. The Board of Directors has the authority to add members to the Board at any Board meeting throughout the year.
    7. The Board of Directors has the authority to remove any Member of the Board, Executive Members included, if deemed negligent in their duties or if they are deemed acting in a manner that is detrimental to the Board of Directors and/or the League. If the Board Member removed is an Executive Member, the Board of Directors has the authority to fill the vacant position with an existing Board Member for the rest of the term.
  6. Executive Members and their Duties
    1. President
      1. Shall chair all meetings of the League and shall perform such other duties that usually pertain to that office.
      2. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees formed by the Board of Directors, but only has a tie-breaking vote on such committees.
      3. Shall prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting, a statement and report of the preceding year for approval of the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
      4. Shall be one of the signing officers for all transactions of the League.
      5. Shall nominate or defer chair to any other Board member in good standing if the president so chooses.
    2. Vice-President
      1. Shall assume all rights and duties of the President in the event the President should be absent or unable to act, and shall perform such other duties that usually pertain to that office.
      2. If the Vice-President is also absent the Board of Directors will delegate a chair person from the Board for the meeting.
      3. Shall be one of the signing officers for all transactions of the League.
    3. Secretary
      1. Shall be the recording secretary at all meetings of the League, responsible for circulation of minutes for such meetings, and shall perform such other duties that usually pertain to that office.
        1. In the event of the Secretary's absence, another Board member shall be appointed the duties of the Secretary.
      2. Shall keep a register of all members and have custody of all books and records pertaining to this office.
      3. Shall notify members of all meetings and other required functions.
    4. Treasurer
      1. Shall have custody of all funds belonging to the League. Such funds shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a Canadian bank or Credit Union as approved by the Board of Directors. These accounts shall be in the name of the League.
      2. Shall keep a regular account of the receipts and expenditures of the League and shall be the custodian of all the books, records, and other documents pertaining to this office.
      3. Shall be one of the signing officers of the League for any financial transaction.
      4. Shall issue cheques for all expenditures upon the authorization of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, or President and one (1) other executive member.
      5. Shall present a financial summary at the Board of Directors Meetings.
      6. Shall prepare an annual budget to be presented and approved by the Board of Directors after the start of the Fiscal Year, but prior to the commencement of league play.
      7. Shall prepare and present a financial report for the year to date at the Annual General Meeting for approval of the membership, and for the Fiscal Year End at a Board of Directors Meeting at the end of each Fiscal Year.
    5. Marketing and Promotions Coordinator
      1. Shall chair the Marketing and Promotions Committee.
      2. Shall be responsible for all Marketing and Promotions activities of the League as set out by the Board of Directors.
      3. Shall turn over all monies received by the Marketing and Promotions Committee to the Treasurer at, or prior to the next Board of Directors Meeting.
      4. Shall prepare and submit a written report of all marketing and promotional activities to the Annual General Meeting for approval of the membership.
    6. League Communications Coordinator
      1. Shall be responsible for communications between the Board and the team representatives from all Divisions, and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
    7. Officials Coordinator
      1. Shall coordinate the scheduling of officials prior to, and during the season as set out by the Board of Directors.
      2. Shall chair all Official's Meetings.
      3. Shall collect and verify all official's pay sheets.
      4. Shall organize all Official's draft meetings.
      5. Shall oversee development of Officials.
      6. Shall oversee changes and additions to League Rule Book and present them to the Board of Directors as they arise.
    8. Women's Division Liaison
      1. Shall coordinate the operation of the Women's Division of the League as set out by the Board of Directors.
      2. Shall prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting, a statement and report of the preceding year for approval of the membership.
  7. Meetings
    1. Annual General Meeting
      1. The purposes of the Annual General Meeting are to receive the annual reports of the League, to elect the Board of Directors and to transact other business arising.
        1. All teams are expected to send a minimum of one team representative to the AGM or risk penalty as specified in the Seasonal Operating Procedures.
        2. Each individual team representative can only represent one team.
      2. All nominated candidates for office must be present at the Annual General Meeting for elections or have provided confirmation of acceptance of their nomination prior to the Annual General Meeting.
    2. Special General Meeting
      1. A Special General Meeting of the League may be called at any time and for any purpose by the Board of Directors as they deem necessary.
    3. Board of Directors Meetings
      1. The Board of Directors Meetings shall be held at least once a month, throughout the year, with the exception of December and January.
  8. Quorum
    1. A quorum of any meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of 50% (one-half) +1 of all eligible Board Members.
    2. At any meeting of the Board of Directors where a quorum is not met, all resolutions and motions shall be tabled until the next meeting.
    3. A quorum of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any Special General Meeting shall consist of (2/3) of all eligible voting members.
  9. Completion of Office
    All members, upon termination of office, shall deliver to the Board of Directors all property of the League which is in their possession.
  10. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
    1. Constitution
      The Constitution of the League may be amended at the Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meeting called for that purpose, by a majority vote, provided a quorum has been met, including members voting by proxy. The changes to the Constitution must be made available to all eligible voting members twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
    2. By-Laws
      The Bylaws of the League may be amended at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose by a majority vote of the eligible voting members present, provided a quorum has been met, including members voting by proxy. The changes to the By-Laws must be made available to all eligible voting members twenty-one (21) days in advance of the Meeting. The By-Laws of the League may also be amended at the Annual General Meeting by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of all eligible voting members present, provided a quorum has been met, including members voting by proxy, if the item was not circulated twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting.
  11. Fiscal Year
    The fiscal year of the League shall end on the last day of February in each year.
  12. Dissolution of the League
    In the event of the winding up of the affairs of the League, all the assets of the League including cash on hand or in the bank, after the payment of all outstanding accounts and other liabilities shall be assigned, transferred and paid to a recognized charitable or non-profit organization as determined by all eligible voting members present prior to the final dissolution.



  1. Head Office
    1. The head office of the Winnipeg Touch Football League (WTFL) shall be located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  2. Affiliation
    1. Being primarily a recreational function, the WTFL shall operate as an independent league.
    2. Any proposed affiliation of the WTFL with other football leagues shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  3. Membership
    1. Membership Categories
      1. Team Membership
      2. Individual Membership
      3. Honorary Lifetime Members
    2. To become a WTFL member team, the following criteria must be adhered to:
      1. Must pay their team registration by the League specified deadline.
      2. Must be in good standing with the League.
    3. To become an individual member of the League the following criteria must be adhered to:
      1. Be named on the roster of a member team as a player or coach, or be registered as a league official.
      2. Be insured through the League.
      3. Have completed the necessary waiver and registration forms.
      4. All team members under the age of 18 years of age by June 1 of the year of operation must submit written parental consent to the Secretary.
      5. Must be a member in good standing with the League.
    4. From time to time, the Board of Directors may vote to bestow an honorary lifetime membership upon an individual. When voting, the Board shall consider the length of membership in the League and contributions to the League as a player, official or Executive member.
    5. Rights of Membership
      1. Member Teams
        1. To participate in all WTFL programs.
        2. To receive through the Board of Directors, appropriate notices from/concerning the WTFL
      2. Individual Members
        1. To participate in all WTFL programs.
      3. Honorary Lifetime Members
        1. To receive benefits as decided upon by the Board of Directors.
      4. Members in Good Standing
        1. Good standing for teams and individuals is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.
  4. Meeting of the WTFL
    1. The President shall call an Executive Committee Meeting if at least 2 member teams request such a meeting in writing stating clearly the nature of the business. This meeting will be held at a mutually agreed time.
    2. The Executive shall call a Special General Meeting if a written request, stating clearly the nature of the business, is signed by not less than 5 member team representatives.
    3. Notice of any General (Board of Directors) Meeting of the WTFL shall state clearly the business to be transacted and will be delivered to the Board Members at least 7 days prior to the holding of the meeting.
    4. Decisions made by the Board of Directors and Committees will be determined by a simple majority vote.
      1. In the event of a tie vote, the motion shall be declared lost.
    5. A Constitution, By-Law or resolution vote shall be declared by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by simple majority vote.
    6. A team may send one, non-voting member to any Board Meeting.
    7. Monthly meeting dates for the remainder of the season will be scheduled at the first League meeting in February.
  5. Meetings of the Officials
    1. The officials will meet prior to the commencement of the playing season, and from there on, as determined by the Seasonal Operating Procedures as set out by the Board of Directors.
  6. General Powers of the WTFL Board of Directors
    1. To determine where the bank account of the WTFL shall be kept.
    2. All financial business shall be processed through the WTFL Treasurer, including all grants or levies, fees, charges, expenses, allowances, purchases or any other related business.
    3. To determine, receive reports from, continue or dissolve committees as it may find necessary.
    4. To monitor the operations of all committees of the WTFL and to approve all matters concerning the monies and activities of the WTFL.
    5. To maintain the books and records of the WTFL. Such books and records may be opened for inspection by the members, given 7 business days written notice.
    6. Each member of the Board is obligated to perform duties as assigned.
    7. To outline and define the Seasonal Operating Procedures based on the leagues current resources and requirements to be completed by the conclusion of the March Board of Directors meeting.
    8. The Board of Directors will manage the affairs of the WTFL in accordance with the Seasonal Operating Procedures.
    9. The Board of Directors will determine the league fees on a per team basis, to meet league operating expenses.
    10. The Board of Directors will approve the league's operating budget. All approved budgets must not show a loss.
    11. The Board of Directors has the right to revoke good standing to any team or individual.
  7. Discipline Committee
    1. The Discipline Committee will consist of the Vice-President (Chairperson), or an Executive Committee appointee if the Vice-President is involved, and 3 player representatives, approved by the Executive, and 1 uninvolved referee.
      1. Wherever possible, the player representatives shall not be from the same division(s) as the individuals involved in the incident.
    2. The Discipline Committee shall have jurisdiction over all disputes involving members.
    3. The Chairperson has the responsibility to convene a Disciplinary Committee meeting upon either the receipt of a written request by the aggrieved party or at the request of the Executive.
    4. The Disciplinary Committee shall insure to the best of its ability, that each side of the dispute has an equal opportunity to present its case whether in writing, or in person.
    5. The Chairperson, as a member, shall be entitled to one vote on all issues. The Chairperson may participate fully in deliberation leading to a decision.
    6. The Chairperson is charged with issuing the final decision.
    7. Suspensions from playing or officiating shall be for such time as the Discipline Committee deems appropriate.
    8. Violence, Objectionable and Unsportsmanlike Conduct
      1. In the event of any deliberate act of violence, or objectionable/unsportsmanlike conduct occurring in a game, the Head Referee or crew member of that game must submit a verbal report to the Vice-President within 48 hours of the occurrence and a written report to the Board of Directors within 7 days.
      2. The Board of Directors will then decide if the occurrence has been sufficiently dealt with or if a Disciplinary Committee is warranted.
      3. The Disciplinary Committee shall meet to review the circumstances of the occurrence with respect to written and oral evidence and submissions.
      4. The member alleged to have committed the act of violence or objectionable/unsportsmanlike conduct has the right to representation at the Disciplinary Committee review as considered appropriate.
      5. The Disciplinary Committee shall, in determining the appropriate action in the case, bear in mind the aims and objectives of the League and such matters as provocation and self defense.
      6. Upon completing the review, the Disciplinary Committee will render its decision, from the following list or at the Committee's discretion:
        1. The incident does not merit any further action than what occurred during the game.
        2. The player will be suspended. The length of the suspension will be from one game suspension to a permanent suspension, depending on the severity of the act.
        3. The team, of which the player committing the act of violence or objectionable or unsportsmanlike conduct is a member, may be fined and/or suspended.
        4. Both a fine and a suspension may be applied.
      7. The Decision of the Disciplinary Committee will be issued to any member in question, by the Vice-President (or the Committee Chairperson), within 48 hours of said decision. The team contact will also be notified accordingly.
  8. Appeals Committee
    1. The Appeals Committee will consist of one Executive Committee member (Chairperson), and 3 player representatives, approved by the Executive, and 1 uninvolved referee, that meet the approval of both parties.
      1. Wherever possible, the player representatives shall not be from the same division(s) as the individuals involved in the original incident.
      2. In the event that no Executive Committee member is uninvolved in the decision being appealed, a member of the Board of Directors will then be appointed as Executive Committee representative and act as Chairperson.
    2. Appeals can only be made on decisions made by the Disciplinary committee or Executive Committee on Protest hearings.
    3. In the event of dissatisfaction with the decision by one of the above named committees, a case may be taken to the Appeals Committee if a written request explaining the reason for the appeal is received by the Executive within 14 days of the decision being issued. A $50.00 per player fee must accompany the appeal request. The fee will be refunded if the decision is revoked or the penalty reduced.
    4. The Appeals Committee will convene within 21 days after a written request for the appeal has been received by the Executive.
    5. The Appeals Committee will weigh all evidence presented at the Discipline Committee hearing or Executive Committee on Protests hearing, by all parties involved, as well as any new evidence received in writing from the appellant.
    6. The Appeals Committee will render its decision, in writing, within 7 days of the conclusion of the hearing, to the head of the appropriate Committee, who will notify the member in question, within 48 hours of said decision. The team contact will also be notified accordingly.
    7. All Appeals Committee decisions are final.
  9. Protests
    1. A protest may be lodged when a recognized team thinks that it has been the victim of prejudice during a match. The prejudice must have been caused by an infraction of the rules of play, by the improper application of the rules and/or regulations or by an irregularity in the organization of the competition.
    2. All protests must be submitted to the Head Referee and must be registered on the score sheet simultaneously with the lodging of the process.
    3. The person, or persons, lodging the complaint must forward a copy of the protest to the Executive within 24 hours of the incident.
    4. The Head Referee must file a verbal report within 48 hours to the Officials Coordinator. The Official's Coordinator is charged with presenting the report to the Executive Committee.
    5. The Executive Committee is charged with the responsibility of hearing the protest and rendering a decision within 7 days of the incident. The Decision will be forwarded to all parties involved within 24 hours of the decision.
    6. If no decision has been rendered, or if any party considers the decision unfair, an appeal may be placed with the Appeals Committee.
  10. Conduct
    1. In promoting the enjoyment of the game of touch football, a certain code of player conduct has been established by the WTFL Rule Book. Players are urged to familiarize themselves with said conduct code.
    2. Any person(s) ejected by a referee for any reason before, during or after a game is automatically suspended for their next game. The ejected person(s) must immediately leave the field of play and may not criticize the decision of the official(s) or risks further disciplinary action.
    3. If a player or team personnel is ejected for physical abuse to an official, the incident is immediately referred to the Disciplinary Committee. This offense carries with it a minimum sanction of a 10 game suspension. Team representatives present are charged with the responsibility of physically supporting the referee's decision to eject players up to, and including, providing adequate protection from physical retaliation against officials.
    4. Any player failing to comply with the rules of conduct are subject to actions by the Disciplinary Committee and may be considered a member not in good standing.
  11. League Operations
    1. League communications will, from time to time, occur via the League's website only. Teams are responsible to check the website for updates on a regular basis.
    2. Teams must show up for their scheduled games. Defaulting a game will result in a fine as determined by the Seasonal Operating Procedures and a 2 point deduction from the team's standings.
      1. 11.2.1.Players on defaulting team are not credited for a game played.
      2. Players on teams defaulted against will be credited for a game played, provided they were in attendance and accounted for on the game card.
    3. League Fees
      1. Registration Fees: All registration fees must be received by the League by the specified deadline as defined in the Seasonal Operating Procedures. Teams will not be considered eligible for play in that year until fees are paid in full. All individual and team league fees are non-refundable.
      2. Insurance and Administration Fees: The insurance and administration fee will not be part of the team fee and must also be paid in full by the deadline specified in the Seasonal Operating Procedures.
      3. Performance Bond: Teams will be required to post a performance bond as specified in the Seasonal Operating Procedures.
    4. All Members or Teams considered not in good standing with the league are ineligible to participate in all WTFL activities.
    5. All members in good standing are eligible for playoffs provided they meet the playoff eligibility requirements specified in the Seasonal Operating Procedures. Any team defaulting 3 games during the season will automatically be ineligible for the playoff competition and will be considered a team not in good standing.
    6. The league reserves the right to re-schedule games, when it benefits the league.
    7. The league reserves the right to place teams in appropriate divisions, when it benefits the league.
    8. Reschedule Policy will be defined in the Seasonal Operating Procedures.
    9. Playoff format is to be decided by the Board of Directors as per the Seasonal Operating Procedures by the conclusion of the August Board of Directors meeting.
    10. Any monies that are to be refunded to teams will be available at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  12. Playing Rules
    1. The playing rules recognized by the League are those of the WTFL Rule Book.
      1. Rule book will be maintained and updated by the Board of Directors as needed.
    2. Only score sheets approved by the League will be used during the games. The first initial or name and family name, as well as the jersey number, will be entered on the score sheet before the start of each game. All game statistics will be entered on the score sheets beside the appropriate player.
    3. Any team that plays a player that is considered ineligible will have that game defaulted.
    4. The standings of the teams will be determined in the following manner:

      Game Won = Two (2) points to the winner.
      Game Tied = One (1) point to each team.
      Game Lost = Zero (0) points to the loser.
      Game Default = Two (2) points deducted from the defaulting team.

    5. Ties in the final league standings will be broken as follows:
      1. The win-loss record in head to head competition.
      2. If a tie remains, the difference of points for and against in head to head competition.
      3. If a tie remains, the difference of points for and against in all regular season play.
      4. If a tie remains, the toss of a coin.
    6. Only the Head Referee can end or annul a game once it has started. A game stopped by weather while in the first half of play will be rescheduled. A game stopped by weather after the completion of the first half of play will be considered as complete. All rescheduled games are to be completed at least one week prior to the first playoff game.
    7. All fines must be paid in full to the League prior to playing the next scheduled game.

Various icons used from the Silk Icons library.