Forums » General » Beef with wtfl
Messages for Beef with wtfl
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Aug 25, 2006 01:14 PM |
First of all, the reffing has been terrible this year when we've had refs, the other day we had one ref out, we had to use the honor system when it came to tags which resulted in quite a bit of controversy. The next game one of the refs was a player from our own division, some of the calls were a little biased, how does this happen? Last year we won the "New team" championship, quite an accomplishment considering it was our first year playing organized football together, what was the prize? A T-SHIRT! A few of us who play on this team also play slo-pitch together, we just finished winning B division in our league and received a 500$ gift certificate from Home-Run sports! Also if the stats/scores aren't up on the website because the refs don't have time to enter them why have stats in the first place, just have the refs enter the scores, stas are for losers anyway, stats aren't kept in the playoffs when the games really count.
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Aug 25, 2006 02:17 PM |
Newsflash, the league is short on refs. If you are interested in reffing, please contact the exec. Anybody on 12 pack want to ref? What about you Tim?
I don't play slo-pitch, so fill me in on some details. How much do you pay to play there, what are the leagues costs? Does Home run give that to the leagues, or does the league pay that? Can't argue with you there, $500 gift certificate is way better than a t-shirt.
Remember you can come to the AGM in december and view the treasurer's report and see how much money the WTFL makes each year. If you think we can afford to give $500 prizes to each championship team, then make a motion and we'll all vote on it.
We say this all the time, but the league is your league. If you want to make it better like so many of the volunteers and refs do each year then step up. If you don't like it, then shop around to the other leagues. You'll find one that uses the honour system all the time, and the other which has your division rivals ref you too.
Thanks for your feedback.
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Aug 25, 2006 06:01 PM |
Well Tim, Glad your looking to play elsewhere next season. Personally I have refereed your team a few times in the past 2 years and although you have a few good sports on your team, you also have a few guys who literally cry and whine at every call. if they are not making a fool of themselves with their profanity laced tirades at the officials they are constantly bickering at each other... Do you really think the Referees enjoy having to stand out there and listen to your crap for 80 minutes? Pick up a rule book for 10 bucks, study it and then become a zebra, Show us all how "real referees" are suppose to do it, until then shut the hell up and go play Madden on your Originil Sony playstation in your parents basement.
By the way you won New team division - New team as in "you paid "half the fee" that the rest of the league pays with the full crew of referees." Be happy you got a shirt, what did you expect for 14 games with 2 referees? Go play slow pitch, I think this is too difficult of a sport for you anyways.
Marty B
OC QB #18
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Aug 25, 2006 06:16 PM |
atta girl marcy...i mean atta boy around all you like but i do (as well as many in the league) play in both leagues and they are pretty much the same.if you want to play for more than just a shirt bring your team out and play the o.c.
as for reffing in your own division all i can say about that is...get over it,(as a ref myself) do you really think we give a dam who wins the games we ref? or do you think we can even tell you the scores without the game card infront of us,come on.
hey take you bat and ball and go play your baseball and leave this sport for people who love the game,because that's what its all about.not about "what do we get if we win?" you know what you get? respect in this league and a token to say yeah we did it,we you get to know that you were the best in your division.that's not enough?
tell you what if your team were to give up this sport do you really think that the league will fold? na there will be more teams to fill that spot,and from the sounds of it marty won't miss ya one bit.
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Aug 25, 2006 06:27 PM |
80 plays to win a game sometimes the REF has to make a play. Marty sometimes I want you as backjudge to go in as QB. Tim 80 plays. How many did your team make during the last 2 games? Oh your right its always someone elses fault except your team.Maybe try poker. Oh I forgot its the dealers fault!!!
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Aug 25, 2006 08:20 PM |
If you had a problem with my reffing talk to Todd Rhoden. I can guarentee you I had no preference who won that game and was not making biased calls to try to hurt your team as you are saying. For the record I'd rather not ref my own division but as said we're short on refs. If I was not there you'd have had another 1 ref game. Which would you prefer?
Anyone ever notice how any call that doesn't go for your team is usually biased/wrong/bad.
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Aug 26, 2006 06:40 AM |
For the record. Brad did a great job reffing (injured) the game when we only had one ref. The game basically turned on one call. We had the opportunity to use the "honor system" to call a tag many of us witnessed. The opposing team player was sure there was no tag, and WE chose to let it go and play on. I'm not sure what the reaction would have been had we made that call. To be honest. I'm not sure if the tag would have been called if there was 5 refs, as it was a finger-tip tag. However, many of us called a tag when it occured. Brad let the play go on, as he didn't think there was one.
My main complaint is the sensitivity by some of the refs and posters on this board when there is criticism. We had a ref that started screaming at one of our players when he questioned a call. And we've had a ref that took the time to explain his reasoning every time we questioned one (MANY calls that day). The latter is preferred, but I think all of us realize that we're dealing with individuals and everybody is different. I'm not in your position taking the criticism all the time, and maybe I would get fed up and "snap" too. Taking some time to explain things usually go's farther then getting defensive. Just my opinion.
I would also prefer not to have a ref that plays in our division. I'm sure the league would prefer the same (?). But, I’ve noticed the posts on the board calling for refs due to the shortage. If I had more free time, it's something I would like to try to do. It's a tuff job. I would ask that you try to understand, and expect, that players have a right to complain about a call that they feel was wrong. Verbally abusing an official should not be tollerated at any time. But criticism comes with the job.
To make a long story short. Many of us do appreciate the efforts the volunteers and everybody involved make in running the league. Off course there are some things I would like to see changed. Nothings perfect. I don't care what the prizes are. I just love to play. I’d rather be out there losing 53-0 and bitching about the refs then doing just about anything else. I'm most disappointed in the reputation that our team seems to be developing in the league. Everybody on the team are good guys. Hopefully that shows through sometimes.
Just my rant,
12 Pack
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Aug 26, 2006 08:08 PM |
you know what, every team in this league needs to stop whining about every call the refs make, i am a new ref this year and it is hard enough to make all the right calls without everyone yelling at us...
i used to be one of the players who would cost my team 20-30 yards of objectionable conducts some games, and now i decided to step up and see what it is like to ref, and yes its hard to catch every call.
and i know some of the refs aren't putting up with it anymore....
so read the rule books and relax, if you want stuff to get better, join us in reffing, and see what its we can use the help
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Aug 26, 2006 08:47 PM |
Just a comment!(OK lots of comments)
For one, serious complaints about any topic, should be sent privately to the ref administrator of the President/secretary for discussion.
If ya want to stir the pot, that's always fun. OK let's go!
Two, if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Three, Winners make time!
One thing that no one has mentioned,regarding a "refs short fuse"(if he has one)is the fact that everyone has a point where the "line is crossed." Was there a guy posting a complaint about Brad, and that he was the only ref.!!!??? That's insane! First off If any ref, refs alone we should all be thankful. He has the courage to know he is the only one who will be criticized, and yet he still does it. and then someone actually has the the nerve to criticize him????!!!
It's a good things guns are illegal in Canada!
If your comment is about a lack of refs. Good one. I agree.
I'll even join in.
League...there should be more refs. Therefore, how about quitting playing on three teams and come out and ref one night a week. Now you can't complain about not having time, ...just re-organize it
Now, regarding that comment about refs "losing it."... believe it or not, the refs actually have a feeling when there is a legit question, and there is a "b.s." question, (which is a poorly disguised comment on a call). I can pretty much guarantee, a legit question will be answered, if in the flow of the game. The other stuff, should be ignored, or penalized.
A comment such as, " a ref should not miss a call" is like saying a player should not drop a pass. No on is perfect. Missed calls, missed tags, missed knock downs, missed coverages, missed catches......happens in every sport....
A second guarantee. The ref will make less mistakes than the players.
Most of the refs I ref with, have strengths and weaknesses. As the Ref "trainer," I would hope they would be consistent. Quite frankly, I have seen that quality in all of our refs.
Comments about lack of refs are valid. However Be-rating the Head Refs you have is really stupid. Sorry,but true. The HR's in the WTFL, have all attended a training session, written an exam (Level III), and are all pretty bright guys, who love the game,and who work at, and discuss different cases.
As stated previously.....Never expect a finger tip tag to be called.
and Marcus, repeated questioning of a rule, is an objectionable conduct penalty. (and it is in the rulebook, under OC)
In the ref's "Philosophy of the rules" book, it states that the ref should not have "rabbit ears," or flag a player who offers an off-color "exasperation- like" comment, out of frustration, or disgust. Most of the refs let the players have one of those. The second time a player repeats it, if the ref finds it offensive, it should be flagged. If the player wants attention, and acts out (just like a little kid having a temper tantrum) I for one will address it. A philosoophy of setting up the "ground rules" early usually works.(just like with your kids)
Finally, if the player is unco-operative and disruptive, - removal should be the next cause of action.
If the players can't understand that, they should remove themselves from organized leagues. Outside of the game, on the street corner, that might be considerered "bullying" and assault. Our refs should never have to stand for that.
There is an old saying, (from the Bible?) "Treat others as you would like to be treated." A lot of the refs are suckers for nice talk. It does work miracles.
And considering most of the refs are old players or former players, should n't all these younger teams and players give the ref some benefit of the doubt...maybe the guy actually knows what he is talking about?
The WTFL has some of the best Touch officials in Canada. If you don't believe it, go play in another province, and you'll see how good our guys are.
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Aug 27, 2006 12:51 PM |
I like the refs in the WTFL. I treat them with respect when I talk to them and they treat me with respect in return. They make mistakes, but I haven't seen any refs make the same mistake twice; which is more than I can say for some crybabies out there who figure that shouting at a ref over and over is going to help...
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Aug 27, 2006 02:52 PM |
Just curious...why are we cutting quarter lengths during the weekends. I understand that during the week we have less time and daylight but we were playing 18 min quarters today. Another 8 mins of game time is huge when your up or down by a TD.
Is it because we're going with a skeleton crew of officials? Is it to make it easier on them when they have to work alot of back to back games?
There has been quite a few games lately with only 2 officials and I understand we're short. I don't have the time to ref and play. Is there another solution?
By the way, I too commend Brad. He works a shit load of games.
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Aug 27, 2006 04:53 PM |
Cutting time from quarters on the weekend when there is 2 hours between games is BS. We had the same thing recently. I can understand during the week (in August).
If we don't have enough refs to ref all the games adequately or if we have to play in the dark because we don't have enough time slots maybe we should consider having a maximum number of teams in the league?
Getting big too quick without proper resources is why businesses can go bankrupt. It's a non-profit league, correct? So what's the benefit of having 70 teams with ref shortages than just having 50 teams?
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Aug 27, 2006 05:45 PM |
Anybody that plays in more than 1 Division next year will have to Referree 1 night a week.You want to compare provinces. Ontario 18 minutes Regina 15 minutes. During the last 2 weeks of august sunlight is dwindling.I just finished going to Little Mountain at at 8:30am saturday and left the field at 6:45 pm . I went to HS Paul at 8:30am and got back home at 8:45pm. 11 games and I have to come back to this GARBAGE. I even referreed yesterday when I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED my game at 5:00pm at Little mountain. HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD SACRIFICE THEIR OWN GAME TO REFEREE ANOTHER GAME. ME because I didn't want a team to get screwed because of a lack of reffs.KIRBY SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
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Aug 27, 2006 06:34 PM |
but brad, why do you have to work so many games? that shouldn't have to happen. why should you have to sacrifice playing to ref?
i think kirby makes a good point: a 100 team league with refs to accomodate 50 is not going to please many people.
in my opinion, the refs do what i would find to be a difficult job very well. i can only think of two missed calls on plays that directly involved me in a 14 games this year (never mind the fact that those were the only two times i was able to be involved in the play...) a ref can only make a call based on what he or she sees, and do their best to be in the right position to make the call. guaranteed one way to not get the benefit of the doubt is if you repeatedly berate them for making a call based on what you saw.
as far as players being required to ref if they play on more than one team (or is that one division? that's an important distinction now that we have several players playing on more than one team in the same division), is that really the answer? if guys are willing to pay to play on more teams, should they then be forced to ref? you'll probably end up with a bunch of guys who simply do not want to ref at all. how many teams would this league have if everyone only played on one team?
i will likely never ref mainly because of the abuse i see some of them take. if i had some punk kid yakking at me all game because he thinks i stink, i'd probably snap and kill him, and that would not help me to achieve my life long dream of becoming a saint.
darrell's comment about 'a ref not missing a call is like saying a player should never drop a pass' is right on target. you'll note that there are not too many of us on a wtfl team that are currently on a cfl or nfl roster, so perhaps we should lighten up and enjoy the game.
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Aug 27, 2006 08:35 PM |
Thanks Rey.
Not sure of your potential "consequences" of the "new Brad ref one night policy." I don't think we'd lose any grown ups. Maybesome whiny babies...but really, who really wants those teams anyway. The Kildonan Park League. Where Mr BS rules...It's pretty clear. Now write this down.
We got a problem, and we are gonna solve it. Anyone who plays on a second team must commit to ref one night a week.
Secondly, after my operation, I'll be back doing my another 40 games, not the 40 games I have gone down to this year. That will probably solve the problem somewhat
The refs we have now do not want to ref as many games as they are. But obviously, they realize the collective good if better than that of the individual. I personally asked some guys who I heard said they would ref, to ref, to help me out, you know just one game, help a crippled brother out. One fricken time... The 30 degrees, the finicky nature of an arthritic hip...= I felt like shit! Happened a couple times this year....The answer...
Ah well, Suck it up butter cup! and I did.
They all had an excuse not to. Yet they are the FIRST to bad mouth the current officials, (or criticize a league policy that may effect 1/90th of their season )and they still play on 2-4 teams. They still get 80 games!!!Hmmm!
I should start a list. It's the same one's every year.(actually I have the list):) (Relax Kirby, although your name would be on the top of it, I don't really have one....heh! heh! Do you believe me? Come to the Refs wind up and see)Ya right....Like you would leave alive???!!!!! HA!
Rey.... Human nature huh!
A great quote that all teams should put on their jerseys. "Sport reveals character." and hey here's one for my list toppers. "When you start pointing fingers, there are four pointing back at you."
Yes Kirby the thumb for the purpose of the saying is included. No need to launch a Federal investigation, and demand more of your "wrongs righted" No it's not a conspiracy, no we did not buy and sell stock at a preferential price, but Yes, the Moon landing in 1969 was faked, and shot inside a Hollywood studio - CHECKthe FLAG WAVING IN THE WIND !!!, as was the First Gulf War Precision bomb going down a chimney scene, also shot in Hollywood )
OK,on a positive note, I think that every team should chip in a $100.00 bonus to Brad ($ @$5.00/guy) and let him miss a week of Indoor and take a vacation. Can you think of one person who deserves it more? I mean the guy even gave up a post game all-star game bash, because he had to ref at little mtn the next morning, 14 km away from his home one way!
so Kirby,
as Brad said:......(no I can't, yes...No....)and hey I'll buy you a box of Kleenex, and bring you a Whine opener,with a flashlite...
Rey, I always want to hit the V key when I type your name....I think it's a sign. (or too many beers!!!!heh! heh!) And so, My question ohObiWan Ka-Rey...Rey!!!!, you think assholes go to heaven?????.....or .. you know, the opther place, where Adam Sandler was.(hot, down there)
Rey, c'mon brother, we are the world, you and me brother, together, we can change it. Help me out brother! We can finda better way, for a better day,so Brad can get a vacation with well wisher's pay.
Ray we are the "elders" or Cliff are ya out there??? from your favourite Star Trek episode, we are the "Grups."
Positive, Mazur, Positive...OK
Is it time to limit the teams. Ouch. Naw. Charge more and make the league exclussive! Stadium Games or......this...
Oh and Kirby, can you call the City Council, and offer to buy Clifton CC (soon to be closed CC) in the West End for a buck, for the WTFL? We'll put in an articifial turf field, open a day care, convert the hill into a ski slope, and build two additional grass fields.
Cost @ $2 million.
Inner City Grants, Federal Infrastructure,Inner City Rec facilities (day time useage) Off=season - Winter - ski, tobaggan, snow board
Thanks !
Rey??? what's the answer? Allen Iversen...He's going to buy an ABA team!!!
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Aug 28, 2006 06:51 AM |
Hmmmm. Oh yeah that's right. This is just my personal ABNORMAL opinion. Except for the two exec/ref guys I mentioned it to, who loved the idea of the reffing thing, while a third exec already said he'd be doing a number of games. All exec.
The second reference to a playing site, is pure "idea." But come on, I don't want our friend and your NORMAL teammate to be considered in an unsavory light, because all he does is find fault, with the unpaid work of others. So let's give him one little task to do, make a couple of phone calls, get some info. If it works out it makes him and you look great. If not, I can follow up in the winter.
How was Friday's exec meeting?? Did this ref issue come up?
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Aug 28, 2006 07:46 AM |
Making it mandatory for multiple team players to ref once a week
The WTFL will lose teams. Is that what we want? I would bet that close to 25% of the players in this league play on multiple teams.
If that's the answer, then maybe put a cap on the maximum amount of teams the league will accept. Once it's full, it's full.
Kirby made a great point....50 teams or 100. It shouldn't make a difference if this is a non-profit league.
Mazur writes "because all he does is find fault, with the unpaid work of others".
Even though the refs are working a ton of games, they are being paid.
As I mentioned before, Brad does a hell of a job reffing all those games in the Blazing sun.
But should he have to? NO
Should he have to miss his own game? NO
Should I have to ref instead of play? HELL NO
Bottom line is with too many teams and not enough refs tensions are high. Players feel like they're getting ripped off by missed calls and shortened quarters and the refs are taking the brunt of it. It doesn't have to be like this.
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Aug 28, 2006 07:59 AM |
Darrell, just because they like the idea doesn't mean it will happen. It still has to go to the exec, and be voted on, and likely be voted in at the AGM. But that's what is great about this, people are coming up with various ideas to try to solve the problem. Some of the ideas will be better than others, but as long as the ideas are flowing in the problem can be solved.
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Aug 28, 2006 08:11 AM |
one interesting thing about your posts, darrell, is that i can never tell if i'm being insulted or knighted, so good for you.
to answer a few key questions: in some circles, people think Bush is going to heaven so what does that tell you. hell, there's one guy who's even written a book about Bush being the messiah....
the 'v' key? as in v for victory?
i'm wondering if maybe one of my comments was misunderstood now that i read it again.
"guaranteed one way to not get the benefit of the doubt is if you repeatedly berate them for making a call based on what you saw", meaning that if a player is going to bitch out a ref, when the player saw things differently from the ref, the likelihood of the ref giving the player the benefit of the doubt decreases. if the player is going to gripe like that about every call, well, don't expect any favours.
and i think i made it very clear what my position on reffing is. by the way, how many games will a ref get if he smacks a player? and will he only be suspended from reffing or from playing too?
"Not sure of your potential "consequences" of the "new Brad ref one night policy."" what does that mean?
hey, and i'm embarrassed to say that all the time i've spent researching things the last few years i had never heard about the 'moon hoax' business until i read your post. i think though, that those theories have about as much merit as saying that the ratz never won a championship. it was simply a channel 11 production.
alan iverson may be the answer, darrell, but you are definitely the question. hurry up and get that operation. my buddy that had it done this spring is loving it.
by the way, i heard from a fly on the wall at friday's meeting that the wtfl is proposing we play games on the moon. all we have to do is come up with $20 million and plane fare to Russia, and we're in.
also, do refs need to be registered on the site in order to be allowed to ref?
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Aug 28, 2006 09:40 AM |
listening to some of those ideas regarding "forcing guys" to ref isn't that much of a bad thing, I mean 1 - you get paid for it, 2 you get more of an appreciation of what the stripes have to go through but even before we get into that situation, the league has to take up ALL possible volunteers wanting to join the ranks and referee some games. I personally brought up a name to more than one person in charge of refereeing regarding this individual requesting games and he has only done 2 games (this was a month ago) and it turns out that the 2 games he has done were assignments that were mine but I gave them to him.
When we have veterans with many years of experience as a player who are willing to step up and help referee games we should find assignments in the mean time for them because you can only extend a hand for so long.
Marty B
Running for WTFL President in 2026
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Aug 28, 2006 11:03 AM |
I like the idea of having teams have refs X number of games, and was actually just coming here to post about that. Either reduce the fees or just keep the fees normal and the people who ref the sidelines get paid normal sideline ref rates.
In some ways I like the normal pay way better because teams who already have people who ref get a small bonus in their games should be covered and hopefully by having some other people out reffing and being paid you might entice them to want to take more games.
And despite what is read on here so often it is not that bad of a job to do the majority of the time. I have had problems with very few games, met lots more people in the league and made enough money to go to Vegas this summer so there are upsides.
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Aug 28, 2006 11:39 AM |
This did work in the past, as Jeff indicated, however there was (as always) "the other side of the coin". Some teams want to pay to play and that's it. So, in order that every team in the league has a say in this, every team can vote (can you say voting buttons Marcus) here and the result must go to the AGM for ratification.
There, problem solved. Somebody stop me.....
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Aug 28, 2006 01:09 PM |
I agree with the original post. This league sucks and I'm starting my own super league.
It will be called tags and stats for all.
We will beat any ref that doesn't call a game so this guys team can win.
I love trying new things so we'll even have a kissing booth set up before and after games and I will gladly make out with any man, provided he puts a loonie in the jar.
Thank you.
Laping aka He rules aka Ruler of all aka Juggarnaut
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Aug 28, 2006 03:50 PM |
I agree with you Ed, but at least if you gave an option to ref, some teams could cut down registration which would be a bonus to some, but more importantly you would fill some of those blank assignments that I saw on your ref draft sheet.
Again, not to take anything away from the guys who have been busting their balls to keep this leeague going, but I definitely think what Kirby was saying has some merit. I think it's either gotten to the point that we say this is good as it is, or this is too much. If the league grows anymore, the problem will compound and guys like Brad, Todd, Rick, Darrell, Cliff.....all you guys will just say you've had enough.
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Aug 29, 2006 07:33 PM |
Darrell, not sure why anything in my previous post would upset you or beeks or anyone. I don't get it.
I was merely asking the same question byatch asked before me - why were quarters being trimmed on the weekend? Not an unreasonable question asked by 2 different players on 2 different teams. Still no reponse. I don't even recall who the officials were. It's ok, I was just curious and really don't need to know anymore.
As for my suggestion on cutting the number of teams, if that upset you, it was merely a suggestion if we can't recruit more officials and/or find quality fields. A suggestion just like getting teams to do sidelines 4 times a year or players on more than one team to ref once a week.
Darrell, you have done a ton of good for the league but a lot of your comments on this board and responses to others make me scratch my head sometimes.
As for volunteering I don't see myself officiating again unless it's a team requirement, but I will volunteer to do the schedule as I have mentioned briefly to some exec members over the past couple years, but I think that's already spoken for by someone else (Jon?) but if that falls through I'm willing to do it next year if given ample warning.
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Aug 29, 2006 08:11 PM |
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby....
I am all in favour of establishing a premium league and a rec league, with no officials. The point being(as drastic and as mazurian as it may seem) Guys like you, have to step up and help out. Have to!
Of course you have a family, other interests, etc. But to me, those are nothing but bumps in the road to "Weekend warrior"(or weeknight) success. We allknow our primary focus when we step out on the football field is FOOTBALL. Mypointis ifthat's focus on it, what bout one step off it, when you watch some confused inexperienced novice ref try, but fail to get thecall correct. Doesn't thatmake you wanttop go out thereand help him out?
I bet the answer is yes.
Well then......take one little nite or a sunday morn, or whatever. once a week, and do two games a week. The wife will love getting you out of the house. Geez if you are smartlike mark said, he went to Vegas. That's my point!
Third, of course my comments make you scratch your head! I would hope my comments generate a number of head scratches and feedback from a lot of people. Ideas and thoughts must be exchanged to help the league "evolve" and or get better.
Your comments may contain a great idea, that the board can run with. Am I the most delicate, cordial corresponder? HA! NEVER! Shock value, as it is sad to say, does get responses. From these responss come ideas, and from those ideas, come ways to better the league.
Thanks for the offer of the shedule. I beat you to it though. Rookie shedullers (and veteran ones) make tons of mistakes. However, this year despite the problems, JON is/was a dedicated prompt addresser of problems. I'll help him out of the darkness next year!
Keep the comments coming boys, it's one surefire way everyone can figure out what is going on, outhere, and make the league better. manyb heads are better than one, and this is OUR league.
As those famous philosophers from the movie The Waterboy (great tackling scenes eh?)once said, " You can do it!"
(OK MJ you are right, maybe I am retarded,...quoting the waterboy, when I should be quoting Kennedy....GOV, where are ya,....I think I need some of that "stuff." )
hey I heard that!!
Byatch? What's up. Why the diplomacy?
AS Beeks would say, "Fire up that hot stove Boys!"
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Aug 30, 2006 08:08 AM |
Why the Diplomacy?
I have to watch what I say or people will jump all over my words.I would like to think that the longer we play, the wiser we get.
My yelling at a ref never got a call turned in my favor. It may have made me feel better at times, but I usually ended up getting an OC.
I want to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
That's why the diplomacy.
*Scratchin my head*
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Aug 30, 2006 08:56 AM |
hey got a secret.... pssst....did anyone know that the WTFL is sending a super duper fabulous team to compete in a classic tournament in the city that rhymes with fun in a few days?? Nope if you guessed the Assassins, Eagles or Avengers your wrong, nope it's not an "elite" team, it's a super duper team that wears some pretty bright Orange jerseys that are hard on the eyes... The "OC" is The Super duper team has players from 5 different teams representing participating teams in the 2006 WTFL season.... We have ST.Vital's finest (2), the Hurricanes (1), The Aztecs (1), Demons (1) Venom (1)And of course the OC (10) ta dah!
Sorry you had to read through this, I was just trying to humor myself at work, it's been a few rough days of badgering and creating kaos on forums all across Winnipeg in the past 10 days... AS you can tell I was trying to be positive and jovial but of course that doesn't work for me :) I think I miss my regular verbal jousting nemisis in Glenny..... Glen Where are you?? I think I've just created the WTFL's version of Where's Waldo?
okay back to your squabbling :)
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Sep 09, 2006 03:07 PM |
The only reason Laping in on here is that he was finally released from the Stoney for his starring part in "Goat butt muncher 3" Mike has done the original back in '02, then he did the sequel in '04 previously..... I always knew laping couldn't catch a ball with his hands but all his pervert fans could see he could catch some goat balls with his chin in the trilogy.

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